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The following videos and attachments address important issues related to our most important relationships.




Two experts in human bonding discuss how humans, from infants to adults, react similarly to important relationships when their need for connection feels threatened. See if you can identify how you too react when your partner or child fails to respond when you reach out to them. 

Author Sue Johnson says that love is by no means illogical or random, but a recipe for survival. She sits down for a feature interview on the science behind love and relationships, as detailed in her new book, “Love Sense: The Revolutionary Science of Romantic Relationships.”

How connection soothes the threatened brain.

What is your attachment style? Do you tend to be more Secure, Avoidant, or Anxious/Ambivalent? What are some of the ways that attachment styles affect relationships, choice of partners and overall emotional health? After watching the video below, you should have a basic understanding of the main characteristics of each style.

Dr. John Gottman describes the four negative patterns that predict divorce

In the following four videos Dr. Gottman shares his research on what makes relationships work and what undermines them.   

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